8 Week Programme 

To include food diary analysis and interpretation followed by a detailed nutrition and lifestyle consultation together with your 8 Week guidance and support plan which includes personalised food diary, lifestyle and wellness recommendations, follow up consultations, and/or bespoke maintenance/ accountability support.

For more information click here

12 Week programme 

To include food diary analysis and interpretation followed by a detailed nutrition and lifestyle consultation together with your 12 Week guidance and support plan which includes personalised food diary, lifestyle and wellness recommendations, follow up consultations, and/or bespoke maintenance/ accountability support.

 For more information click here

Food Diary and Analysis Interpretation 

Food Diary and Analysis  

A 5 day Food Diary using  a specialised  Nutrition Management Software package.  Feeding back to you a detailed report of your food intake, to include fats, proteins and carbohydrates, along with your vitamins and mineral consumption.

For more information click here

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